Call for Nominations

The Irregular Warfare Center (IWC) is committed to enhancing irregular warfare (IW) knowledge through academic partnerships to facilitate research on IW and strategic competition and continue to engage with U.S. and international universities. The IWC – a component of the U.S. Defense Security Cooperation University – is pleased to invite nominations for participation in the inaugural Irregular Warfare Colloquium, to […]

Irregular Warfare Center (IWC) Leadership To Participate in The Center on Irregular Warfare and Armed Groups (CIWAG) Symposium

A leadership team of IW subject matter experts representing the Irregular Warfare Center is scheduled to attend the Center for Irregular Warfare and Armed Groups (CIWAG) Symposium at the Wyndham Newport Hotel in Middletown, R.I. from June 27-28, 2023. The Center on Irregular Warfare and Armed Groups’ 2023 Maritime symposium, Exploring Our Maritime Strategies, is scheduled to host five panels […]

May 2023 IWC Newsletter

Welcome to the monthly newsletter for the IWC. This newsletter is designed to keep our community up-to-date on the latest news and events happening within the organization. Please click here or on the image below to open the newsletter PDF:

Three Lessons from the Front: Economic Warfare in Russia / Ukraine

A country’s economy is core to its ability to provide a better life for its people, develop and fund social services, and ultimately create the means for war. Presidents Xi Jinping and Donald Trump both used speeches in 2017 to directly link economic might to the pursuit of national interests. It should therefore come as no surprise that economic warfare tactics are getting a much-needed refresh as we re-enter a multi-polar world with specific challenges to both the United States’ economic hegemony, as well as the international rules-based system.

Simple Sabotage 2.0: the Threat of Pro-Russian Civil Resistance in Ukraine

Resistance is an asymmetric tool that can be used by an underdog to fight against an oppressor or a foreign military occupation. However, the Russo-Ukrainian War has demonstrated that this concept can also be used by an occupying force. As part of the Irregular Warfare Center’s (hereafter, IWC) ongoing mission to illuminate and address irregular threats posed to the U.S. and its allies and partners, the Center recently obtained and translated a Russian handbook designed to instruct pro-Russian Ukrainian citizens on how to resist the Ukrainian government; something that is especially relevant in recently recaptured territories.

The Irregular Warfare Center and Defense Security Cooperation University Host University Days Event

By David Wyscaver (CTR), IWC Public Affairs and Strategic Communications Manager, Morgan 6 LLC. & Mallory Thornton, Public Affairs Specialist, Defense Security Cooperation University The newly established Irregular Warfare Center (IWC) hosted its fourth IW-themed event, University Days, April 25-26, 2023, at the Defense Security Cooperation University (DSCU) in Arlington, Va. The purpose of the University Days event was to […]