Welcome to the monthly newsletter for the IWC. This newsletter is designed to keep our community up-to-date on the latest news and events happening within the organization. Please click here or on the image below to open the newsletter PDF:

Welcome to the monthly newsletter for the IWC. This newsletter is designed to keep our community up-to-date on the latest news and events happening within the organization. Please click here or on the image below to open the newsletter PDF:
ARLINGTON, Va. – More than 400 senior leaders, academia, subject matter experts, and guests gathered to attend the Irregular Warfare Forum in Arlington, Virginia, Dec. 5-7. Jointly hosted by the Irregular Warfare Center, National Defense University’s College of International Security Affairs, and the U.S. Army John. F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School, the forum laid the foundation for in-depth […]
The newly established Irregular Warfare Center (IWC) is sponsoring the Irregular Warfare (IW) Forum, co-hosted by the National Defense University’s (NDU) College of International Security Affairs (CISA) and the U.S. Army John F. Kennedy Special Warfare Center and School (SWCS). The Forum is scheduled from December 5-7, 2023, at the Crystal Gateway Marriott in Arlington, VA. Dr. Dennis Walters, IWC […]