The Center for Irregular Warfare (IWC) seeks a variety of long and short-form scholarly articles, opinion essays, monographs, and research studies that explore the character and direction of irregular warfare within the context of great and emerging power competition. The IWC will publish original and thoroughly researched commentary and analyses that span the range of security topics associated with irregular warfare: military, diplomatic, economic, social, cultural, and more.
All articles, essays, and monographs submitted to the IWC must be unclassified and releasable to the public. They must not be under consideration for publication by any other organization.
1000-2000 words, provide a reasoned examination of an issue, situation, or problem. These articles will be published online, on the IWC web site, and will use hyperlinks in lieu of endnotes.
Approximately 2500 words, written by IWC personnel on topics of IW interest, concern, or controversy. Published online and in PDF format. References will be hyperlinks.
Research Studies
Longer, sponsored research efforts. Research studies will be primarily online, but with hard copies available. References will be endnotes.
Book Reviews
Approximately 500-600 words. Book reviews will focus on new or forthcoming books on irregular warfare and IW-related topics. They will offer a short summary of the book, along with a brief analysis of the book’s strengths and critiques.
Scholars, practitioners, and other specialists from within or associated with international security as it relates to irregular warfare. Submissions from non-US contributors are encouraged. Authors are asked to include a 2-3 sentence biography with their submissions.
All submissions will be reviewed by the IWC editors for style, content, and appropriateness to the IWC mission. The editors will work with authors to create high-quality submissions that reflect positively on both the authors, the IWC, and the irregular warfare community of practice and interest. The goal is to help authors publish their work and not create obstacles that deter or dissuade authors.
Active-duty military, US government civilians, and contractors working on a US government contract must clear their papers through their local security and policy review process prior to submitting to the IWC.
IWC uses the Chicago Manual of Style, 17th edition, as our style guide. Contributors are asked to avoid the use of jargon and acronyms in order to ensure the publications are easily accessible and understood by the broad and international audience the Center is trying to reach.
All graphics provided must be high-resolution, 300-dpi or greater, accompanied by a short caption, and with permission to use from the copyright holder unless they are in the public domain (for example, US Air Force Photo) or are original creations by the author.
All submissions will use US English. Editors will work with international authors who write in British English to help them convert their papers. The exception is for quotations – the original British English quote will not be altered.
Submissions should be provided as an MS-Word document, Times New Roman, 12-pitch, double spaced.
All articles and other essays appearing on the IWC web site will include the following disclaimer:
"The views expressed are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the official position of the Department of Defense, Defense Security Cooperation Agency, or the Center for Irregular Warfare."
The disclaimer may be modified to reflect the author(s) professional affiliation.
Please read all guidelines and then submit your work to the below address with the subject line
"IWC Publication Submission"