IW101 offers an introduction to the fundamental aspects of Irregular Warfare and it consolidates key concepts from U.S. policy, doctrine, and academia in about 90 minutes. This course has three sections which include 1) strategic competition, forms of warfare and definition and nature of IW, 2) describing IW operations and activities, and 3) discussing the global practitioners of IW and trends.
IW 101 is available on the Defense Security Cooperation University virtual classroom called MyDSCU. An account is required and registration can be completed at this link. From the myDCSU homepage (once logged in,) click on “DSCU ILTs & VILTs” and search for ‘Irregular Warfare 101 Course’ in the Learning Search bar.
For detailed instructions on accessing the course, you can download the IW 101 Quick Reference Sheet.
Since this category of user has neither SSN nor DoD ID (EDIPI), the user will be identified by a Foreign Identification Number (FIN) to prevent duplicate accounts. Within myDSCU, students will be identified only by their student number (DAUID).
For instructions on accessing the course as a Foreign National, you can download the Foreign Nationals Without CAC instructions.